BioPlasmicField Energizer



Bio-Energizer I

Bio-Energizer II

How does the device work?

The development of this technology is based on two premises:

1. Body cells act like individual rechargeable batteries. The DEVICE produces frequencies that enhances the bio-plasmic energy field, which in turn recharges and regenerates body cells, the foundation of the many system in the body, the immune, neuromusculoskeletal, endocrine, and vital organs etc.

2. Everything in the universe, animate or inanimate has a unique resonant frequency (oscillatory rate) also known as its color and or sound signature that it thrives at, or is maintained at optimally. If the amplitude is increased enough one can then reach the mortal oscillatory rate and destroy the object. Thus the Bio-plasmic Field Enhancer is designed to recharge and regenerate body cells, while simultaneously eliminating disease-causing bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi and flukes, etc.

Can anyone use the DEVICE?

Generally yes, however, people with pacemakers cannot use the DEVICE. The Bio-Energizer Field shuts down pacemakers.

Do you have to be hooked up to wires or probes?

No. The DEVICE is non-contact and non-invasive. You simply sit or stand within the generated Bio-plasmic Field, which penetrates the entire body from head to toe. The DEVICE projects a circular field approximately twelve feet in diameter.

How often should someone use the DEVICE?

The Bio plasmic Field Enhancer is very powerful, and like any good thing, should be used in moderation. Data derived from extensive human trials shows that using the DEVICE for as little as 30 seconds to four minutes per day is sufficient to reverse chronic low energy conditions or maintain the body's cell voltage at its optimum once healthy.

Does the DEVICE produce negative physiological side effects?

Not when used properly. Initially, certain individuals may experience what is called a "healing crisis" due to an almost instantaneous release of built-up toxins trying to exit the body all at once. This phenomenon can occur up to 24 hours following the first couple of sessions, and is always temporary. To prevent a "healing crisis"from occurring, initial exposure time is usually limited to two, two-minute sessions per day for the first couple of days. Depending upon the health issues an individual is suffering one may feel tingling, itchiness, dizziness, uncomfortable twinges, and or physical pain (rare), which is the result of the body adapting to the changes.

Some experience what feels like a head cold for a day or two; unlike a real cold though, you still have plenty of energy.

Others may experience a dramatic increased in physical and mental energy level and have difficulty sleeping following their first few sessions. On the other hand, those with sleeping disorders generally begin experiencing deep uninterrupted sleep after their first sessions. However, the good news is, the first healing crisis is always the worst, and rarely is there a second significant detox reaction. We have found that once these sensations have stop the health issues are generally resolved.

Mandatory disclaimer:
The information here is for educational purposes only. We make no claims to treat, cure, heal or diagnose any disease. If you have a major health issue, we recommend that you see a qualified health care provider if you feel you need help deciding whether you should have a Bio-energizer or PAP-IMI session. If you are currently taking prescription medication, there is a good chance that your medication dosage will need some modifications after you have received regular sessions. In this case, we recommend that you see your health care provider.

"The cell is immortal. ...As far as we know,
the pulsation of life can go on forever."

NOBEL PRIZE Winner, Dr. Alexis Carrell

To get more information on having a session, please contact Dr. Charles Wray at (805) 646-5503 or at


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