BioPlasmicField Energizer


Bio-Energizer I

Bio-Energizer II

Summary of "The Secret of Life" by Lakhovsky

The clinical term most frequently used in the course of this work is "oscillating circuit." It occurs again and again throughout the text and therefore demands special attention.
An oscillating circuit is a circuit containing inductance and capacity, which, when supplied with energy from an external source, is set in electrical vibration and oscillates at its natural frequency.

As the terms inductance and capacity are not self-explanatory they must be further defined. A conductor is said to possess inductance if a current flowing through it causes a magnetic field to be set up round it. A straight wire has inductance; if a conductor is wound up in the form of a coil the value will be greatly increased.

The capacity of a condenser, or isolated body, is a measure of the charge or quantity of electricity it is capable of storing.

From a physical point view the essential difference between the various kinds of electrical oscillations and kindred radiations consists in their different frequencies or wavelengths. The biological effects of the different frequencies vary within a wide range. In this connection it must be pointed out that a fundamental difference exists between the thermal effects of high-frequency waves (diathermy) and their electrical effects, which modify cellular oscillation.

Until fairly recently the use of electricity in medicine was confined to diathermy and certain forms of darson-vacillation. As early as 1923 Lakhovsky conceived the idea of constructing an electrical apparatus capable of emitting continuous waves of very short length (2 to 10 meters). His intention was to demonstrate that the living cell was like a wireless apparatus, having the dual power of transmitting and receiving waves. This apparatus, known as the Radio-cellulo-oscillator was first used for the experimental treatment of cancer in plants at the surgical Clinic of the Salpetriere in Paris. The results were so conclusive that a special communication was addressed to a leading scientific society drawing attention to the remarkable cures obtained by this new mode of electrical treatment.

The Radio-cellulo-oscillator was the prototype of various electrical generators of short waves that finally led to the invention of the Multiple Wave Oscillator fully described in the Appendix.

The fundamental principle of Lakhovsky's scientific system may be summed up in the axiom " Every living being emits radiations." Inspired by this principle Lakhovsky was able to explain such diverse phenomena as instinct in animals, migration of birds, health, disease, and in general, all the manifestations of organic life.

According to Lakhovsky, the nucleus of a living cell may be compared to an electrical oscillating circuit. The nucleus consists of tubular filaments, chromosomes and mitochondria, made up of insulating material and filled with a conducting fluid containing all the mineral salts found in sea-water. These filaments are thus comparable to oscillating circuits endowed with capacity and self-inductance and therefore capable of oscillating according to a specific frequency.

What then is this universal radiation in living beings? My theory expounds in simple terms its fundamental principles and discloses its nature. In deriving support from the most recent discoveries in the domain of radiations, my theory demonstrates, with the aid of elementary analogies, that the cell, the essential organic unit in all living beings, is nothing but an electromagnetic resonator, capable of emitting and absorbing radiations of very high frequency

These fundamental principles cover the whole field of biology.

Then what is life? It is the dynamic equilibrium of all cells, the harmony of multiple radiations, which interact harmoniously with one another.

What is disease? Its the oscillatory disequilibrium of the cells originating from external causes. It is actually the struggle between microbic radiation and cellular radiation. For the microbe a unicellular organism, acts also by virtue of its radiation. If microbic radiation is predominant, disease is the result, and when vital resistance of the host is completely overcome, death occurs. If cellular radiation gains dominance, restoration of health follows.

The importance of my theory becomes more apparent in view of the confirmation of its validity as shown by recent experiments on cancerous plants. The recorded cures would seem to give new hope in the treatment of cancer, that terrible disease against which we appear to be struggling in vain. The practical application of my theory, which enables the cells to regain the full vital activity of their radiations, will, in my opinion, give rise to a specific treatment of cancer, in particular, and be equally applicable to diseases due to old age in general. This general principle has given rise to a vast number of experiments covering the whole field of biology.

Radiations of Living Beings.
During recent years of observations (1940s) on the part of several investigators it appear to be an established fact that most animals, including insects and birds, emit radiations while they are also sensitive to the influence of external electromagnetic waves.

The luminescence of the glow-worm is an example of vital radiation perceptible to our visual sense. In the immense range of existing vibrations we can only perceive the luminous octave, but we know that whole gamut of radiations exist beyond the narrow limits of the visible spectrum. In the face of a mass of cumulative evidence it is quite rational to conclude, as Lakhovsky did, that the phenomenon of radiation is a universal property of livings matter, as radioactivity appears to be a common property of inanimate matter. The limitations of our senses prevent us from perceiving radiations of living beings while this sensory incapacity also excludes from the field of direct awareness the vast gamut of electromagnetic waves traversing our atmosphere, still all these radiations and waves exist and affect all forms of life in various ways.

These views can no longer be regarded as speculative, for radiations of living beings have actually been detected by means of the spectroscope and the photographic plate.
The radiation given off by rootlets of growing plants and vegetables has been identified by Gurwitsch and Frank as belonging to the ultra-violet region of the spectrum. The original experiments of these two investigators established the fact that the stimulus to growth was oscillatory in character and that it was associated with a specific wavelength, thus confirming the fundamental principles of Lakhovsky's theories. Further experiments by Reiter and Gabor have shown that embryonic tissues and malignant tumors possessed a high radiation potential varying in intensity according to the rate of growth.

These experimenters succeeded in measuring the wavelength of radiating tissues and in modifying the development of selected organisms by subjecting them to a certain range of ultra violet rays.

As all these vital radiations appeared to be akin to ultra-violet rays in regard to frequency, the problem of photographing them came under consideration. In spite of great technical difficulties, Professor Guido Cremonese succeeded in making photographic records of radiations given off by living substances which were duly reproduced in a valuable monograph.'
With regard to human radiations, Professor Cremonese devised certain means of making direct photographic records of specimens of saliva or blood, which were shown to be active sources of radiations.

The latest views on cosmic rays point to the fact that most of the particles are positively charged and they are probably protons.


In a remarkable work entitled " The Phenomena of Lifeî A Radio-electric Interpretation," by the late Dr. G. W. Urile, whose fame as a surgeon and founder of the celebrated Cleveland Clinic, Ohio, was world-wide. He gave an exhaustive account of his theories and experiments, which bear a striking resemblance to those of Lakhovsky as expounded in " The Secret of Life." They confirm in every respect the validity of Lakhovsky's fundamental scientific principles, and Crile may be said to have discovered independently the same facts and explained them by the same theories as those fully set out by Lakhovsky in the present work.


In his capacity of engineer-physicist, Lakhovsky always took a keen interest in the construction of electrical appliances. In 1923 he brought out his Radio-cellulo-oscillator with which he first treated geraniums inoculated with cancer. He subsequently decided to give up using ultra short waves capable of causing thermal effects, for it occurred to him that better results might be obtained by giving an oscillatory shock to all the cells of the body simultaneously. Such a brief shock, produced by damped electrostatic waves, does not cause a prolonged thermal effect and therefore cannot injure the cells.

After many experiments Lakhovsky succeeded in constructing an apparatus generating an electrostatic field in which all frequencies from 3 meters to the infrared region could be produced. Hence in this field every cell could find its own frequency and vibrate in resonance. Moreover, it is known that a circuit supplied by damped high frequency currents gives rise to numerous harmonics. These considerations led Lakhovsky to invent an oscillator of multiple wavelengths in the field of which every cell, every organ, every nerve, every tissue, could find its own frequency. To this end he devised a transmitter consisting of a series of separated concentric oscillating circuits connected with one another by silk threads. Thus a type of oscillator was obtained giving all fundamental wavelengths from 10 cms. to 400 metres, corresponding to frequencies of 750,000 to 3 billion per second. In addition to this, each circuit emits numerous harmonics, which, together with fundamental waves, interference waves and effluvia, may extend as far as the infra-red and visible light regions (1-300 trillion vibrations per second).

In 1931, Lakhovsky brought out his famous Multiple Wave Oscillator, representing a greatly improved type of his former apparatus, the Radio-cellulo-oscillator.

Since 1931 the Multiple Wave Oscillator has been used in most European countries and in America for the treatment of many diseases, including cancer. No harmful effects or contraindications have been reported for the use of the apparatus. This is in striking contrast with short wave therapy in general, X-rays and radium, whose application in the hands of experts has frequently been followed by the most serious consequences. Everywhere the results obtained with the Multiple Wave Oscillator appear to have been very satisfactory.

It should be particularly noted that unlike the average type of short wave Generator in use in-medical practice, the Multiple Wave Oscillator, cannot cause any injurious effects. As all the radiations generated by this apparatus are of an electrostatic nature they cannot over-heat or burn the tissues. The action of the Multiple Wave Oscillator is purely electrical.


Chief Radiologist of the clinic for Incurables of the Apostle Ladies of the Sacred heart of Jesus Rome. 1941.

The following is an abridged extract, translated from a medical review of the effect on the sympathetic nervous system.

Generally speaking I have observed a marked analgesic action following the application of the Multiple Wave Oscillator (abbreviated to M.W.O.) in all affections associated with pain, particularly in the classical case typical of such affections. For example a patient suffering from cephalalgia (headaches), resulting from a violent cranial trauma for a duration of 10 years, was subjected to a great variety of treatments, but all in vain. This patient was definitely cured after 2 months treatment with the M.W.O. Improvement was manifest after only 3 applications.

2. The effects on the Central nervous system
A case of encephalitis, contracted at the age of 3, left "The patient, now aged over 50, with hemiplegia (one side of the body), which greatly impeded his movements. After about 3 months of treatment with the M.W.O. a great deal of mobility in the inferior limb and a little less in the upper limb was restored. It was really astonishing to find that a curative effect could be obtained in such a case in which pathological changes had been established for several decades.

A case of alcoholic paraplegia, who could walk only with great difficulty, began to move with agility after 3 applications with the M.W.O.

Two cases of nocturnal enuresis were cured after a few applications with the M.W.O.

3. Effects on chronic Inflammations

The M.W.O. has been shown to have a healing effect on inflammatory processes of a non-specific nature. The M.W.O. has also been particularly useful in the treatment of gynacological disorders. Numerous cases of ovaritis and salpingitis have been treated in the Clinic and cures has invariably resulted after about 2 months of treatment.
Menstrual disorders of all kinds, not associated with conditions requiring-special therapy or surgical interference (such as stenosis, retroflextion, neoplasms, etc.) have been constantly regulated with the M.W.O.
In cases of perivisceritis the effects of the M.W.O. have been very favorable. Moreover, the efficacy of the M.W.O., in such cases is greater than that obtained with diathermy. And together with appropriate therapeutic measures, I have succeeded in saving patients from surgical intervention when there was no other hope for them.


In an interesting monograph, Dr. Vassileff, who is in charge of three clinics in Italy, gives an outline of Lakhovsky's theories, which he has applied to the treatment of many diseases with remarkable success for the last fifteen years.

In his experience he has found that Lakhovsky's -M.W.O. has a rapid beneficial effect on the whole organism enabling it to resist and overcome a wide variety of diseases ranging from respiratory and cardiovascular disturbances to genitourinary conditions in men and women, as well as functional and organic afflictions of the digestive and nervous systems, the latter including infantile paralysis.


Deafness and Nerve Cases

I have discovered that the MWO improves hearing and for the last three months the chief' part of my work with the apparatus has been in deaf cases.
I have been doing ear work for over 40 years and am very pleased to find at last something, which is a real help in chronic deafness. I have obtained many striking results.

My best results are in nerve cases. A patient of mine who fell on his back seven years ago and has been completely paralyzed from the waist ever since is distinctly better. He had depended entirely on a catheter, but for the past few months he has been able to pass water naturally. Sensation is returning to his legs and he feels very much better generally.

"The cell is immortal. ...As far as we know,
the pulsation of life can go on forever."

NOBEL PRIZE Winner, Dr. Alexis Carrell

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