BioPlasmicField Energizer



Bio-Energizer I

Bio-Energizer II

Welcome to the new enhanced
BioPlasmic Field Energizer technology device

The information presented here is for educational purposes only. We make no claims to treat, cure, heal or diagnose any diseases. If you have a major health problem and choose to experiment with this technology, there is a good chance your medication dosages (if any) will need modification so we strongly urge you to consult with your health care provider.

The following are from users of the BPE technology. They are anecdotal stories submitted by individuals. At present the use of our BPE technology is strictly investigational and experimental.

From June 2002 to February 2003 we have worked with over 600 volunteers and conducted well over 6000 sessions with one of our research prototype units.
Here are but a few anecdotal reports from users of our technology!

Case #1: A woman came in for a treatment who had M.S. for 15 years and was nearly bed ridden prior to coming in. She decided to try the BPE. After the first treatment she had marked improvement. At the end of one and a half months of 2-3minutes treatments, 2-3 times / week she was more sociable, energetic and could stay up till 9 or 10 pm instead of 5 pm. She was also able to walk without a cane pain free and to drive from Santa Barbara to Ojai by herself – all impossible feats prior to treatment. The following is the actual testimonial written by this patient:

February 27, 2003
I am really excited about the healing I see occurring in my body since I started using the Bio-energizer. I have had Multiple Sclerosis for perhaps 25 years and had deteriorated to a state of barely being able to get up and do anything. I had no life! I started using the PAP-IMI machine weekly about four months ago and used it for two months. That got me up and walking and doing much more. When I found out about the Bio-energizer device at Dr. Wray’s office in Ojai, I started using it weekly. It has been six weeks now and I cannot describe how much better I feel! I went in hobbling on a cane and the cane went pretty quickly. My energy level is tenfold. All my symptoms are getting less all the time. I really believe that between the “neutraceutical” therapy and the Bio-energizer I will be able to live a more normal life. It seems it may actually have the power to even eliminate my Multiple Sclerosis, for which I am so very grateful! Thank you so much! – Luna Mares

Case #2 was a patient with Parkinson’s disease. After the first treatment with the BPE he felt better. After the second treatment his out of control run at the end of the day ceased. After the third treatment he was able to sleep almost the whole night through instead of waking up every twenty minutes. After the fourth treatment his handwriting had significantly improved. He was treated 2-3x/week for about six weeks.
.  After about the first three weeks of care he cut the medications in half. After another three week he again cut his medication in half again and has remained primarily stable. There would be exacerbations at times if his medication were not taken in a timely fashion.

For answers to Frequently Asked Questions, see the Answers page.

To get more information on having a session,
please contact Dr. Charles Wray at

(805) 646-5503
or at



Bio-Energizer:  Overview |  Answers  |  Testimonials 
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