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Biophotonic Vibrational Technology device (BVT)

The BVT device is based on the technology developed by Dr. Georges Lakhovsky and Nikola Tesla in the early 20th Century. Devices of this type are commonly called Multiple Wave Oscillators (MWOs), a term derived from the broad spectrum of high frequency wave oscillations produced by these units.

Dr. Lakhovsky, a Russian electrical engineer who immigrated to France in the 1920's believed that cells are electrical in nature. His published work, “The Secret of Life” (1935) demonstrates this theory, showing how cells manifest the electrical properties of resistance, capacitance, and inductance. These characteristics when properly configured create resonance. He observed the oscillatory nature of healthy cells and the fact that, during an invasion by microbes, the cells entered into a state of oscillatory disequilibrium or disease. Dr. Lakhovsky went on to observe that high frequency radio waves could energize malfunctioning cells due to the spiral helix or coil found in each cell (RNA-DNA) that acted as a receiving antenna for the radio waves the MWOs produced.

Once the cell was energized waste would be expelled and nutrients would be ingested. Dr. Lakhovsky's research demonstrated how the application of an external electrical field (generated by an MWO) was able to do this. In 1925, Dr. Lakhovsky began using argon gas in copper tubes for the antennae of his Multi-Wave Oscillator. He found that certain inert gases, when charged by high frequency currents, helped stimulate cellular development and regeneration by speeding up detoxification.

Both Tesla and Lakhovsky determined high frequency waves were beneficial to plants and animals and that low frequency (60Hz) was harmful.

The BVT device generates frequencies which are characteristic of living organisms (from 750 kHz up to 3 MHz and harmonics which extend up to 300 GHz). It is the newest in a continuing evolution of MWO devices spanning over ten years of painstaking development by our research and development team. The BVT device construction is based on technologies originally developed by Nikola Tesla and Dr. Lakhovsky, and includes advancements made by our research and development team using high-tech components and materials.

We also design and build custom MWOs for individual research needs.

The BVT device is an experimental instrument available for personal or clinical research only. No Claims are made regarding possible benefits from usage.

MSRP: $7,300

For answers to Frequently Asked Questions, see the Answers page.

To get more information on having a session or purchasing a unit, please contact Dr. Charles Wray at
(805) 646-5503 or at



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