| Biophotonic Vibrational Technology device (BVT) Questions and Answers "The cell is immortal. ...As far as we know, the pulsation of life can go on forever." NOBEL PRIZE Winner, Dr. Alexis Carrell All truth goes through three stages: first it is ridiculed; then it is violently opposed; finally it is accepted as self evident. Schopenhauer WHAT IS BIOPHOTONIC VIBRATIONAL TECHNOLOGY (BVT)? BVT is advanced electrotherapeutic technology, which produces ultra high frequency pulsed electromagnetic and photonic plasma energy fields in an extracorporeal mode to activate the chemiluminescence of the blood cells the Original Immune System. The plasma energy provides an interface to the human body making it possible for the energy to penetrate deep into the entire body. BVT type technology has a fascinating instructive history, a range of technological approaches, well-characterized mechanisms of action, a wide array of indications, and scientific literature that now includes some 400 articles as well as a number of books. WHAT DOES BVT DO? Biophotonic vibrational type technology has been shown over the past 70 years to devitalize disease causing pathogens and help restore, reenergize, and balance the electromagnetic fields surrounding the cells of the body, and to stimulate cell mitochondria causing the autoimmune system to repair the body at the cellular level. Issues within these systems are generally the source of pain, and physical degeneration. A study of dielectric spectroscopy will reveal that most of the cells in our bodies will absorb energy in the frequency range of 10 KHz to 1 GHz through a number of different mechanisms. When they absorb energy they increase the membrane potential and become more vital. HOW DOES BVT WORK? BVT emits "information" to the body via precision ultra high frequency and photonic light harmonics to cell energy fields. It produces this information through the vehicle of "noble gas ionization." There is a long tradition of research into the energetic effects of photon producing noble gases. An optimal mixture of xenon, argon, helium, oxygen, and others, are enclosed in specially designed quartz crystal tubes and are excited by electromagnetic energy that causes an energy plasma field to emit from the tubes. Critical to an effective instrument is the complexity of the circuits that generate the waves, or frequency patterns, of the information. Our BVT device has optimal circuit design for this purpose. In order to be completely effective, all health balancing must be addressed at one of several levels: organ, tissue, molecular, atomic, quantum, mental, and spiritual. If you break a leg or someone shoots you in the kidney, an M.D. will work on that physical problem quickly. They'll set and mobilize the leg or replace the blasted kidney. However the roots of health problems are subtler. Some issues can be resolved through better nutrition which alters all the tissue in the body (perhaps changing it from being too acidic to alkaline, etc.). Sometimes the problem is deeper and molecular intervention needs to be involved. Sometimes even deeper imbalances require atomic alterations. The BVT also works on this level. There are many forms of bioenergy in the human body: metabolic energy, bioelectrical energy, and biophotonic energy. Science has proven the cells use this energy to communicate. We are not just flesh and bones; we are infused with a subtle yet powerful form of energy, which cannot be seen by the naked eye or under the microscope. The cells of all living creatures have electronic functions, including circuits, radiation and wave structures. The electronic functions and wave structures of diseased cells differ from those of normal cells. Historically, biophotonic type technology has been developed and used to correct the functional disorder in diseased cells so they either return to normal or die. This transformation or elimination of diseased cells occurs without collateral damage to healthy cells. Historically, vibrational frequency medicine was well known to be extremely beneficial in promoting the bodys general health; biophotonic technologys unique impulse wave structure reinforces the bodys essential electromagnetic field information (aura). This achieves not only the required effect on diseased cells, but also revitalizes the bodys most basic immune system, the bone marrow. Recent studies show that stem cells produced in the bone marrow are the bodys quintessential repair and immune system component. A robust production of healthy, undifferentiated stem cells is essential to help the body repair damaged tissue, attack pathogens and cause diseased cells to die. A microscopical study of living blood shows this electronically stimulated mitogenic wave information accelerates the bone marrows production of stem cells. WHY DOES BIORESONANT FREQUENCY TECHNOLOGY WORK? The key to understanding why bioresonant frequency technology works lies in the concept of vital energy. According to the field of quantum physics, the molecules composing the physical human body are actually just a form of vibrating energy. In fact Albert Einstein concluded that matter and energy were actually perfectly interchangeable. Equally, everything around us is energy; it all just vibrates at different frequencies. Just as X-rays, radio and television waves, ultrasonic waves and microwaves have different frequencies, so do the various systems of the human body and the world around us. The cells of the body actually emit pulses of light which scientists surmise may be part of a sophisticated communication system to organize the actions of cells within each body system. Past research shows that directing specific energy frequencies at the body can help bring it back into balance by a form of entrainment, encouraging diseased parts to vibrate at the right frequency once again. Equally, once you recognize all living creatures are powered by energy, its a swift jump to recognize energy isnt just physical: we talk about emotional energy; natural energy; spiritual energy; sexual energy. The whole field is remarkably complex, but fortunately you dont need to be a quantum physicist to use energy medicine. We humans possess several specialized systems that supply energy and information to the organs, tissues and cells of the body at a variety of levels. Energy movement: energy appears to flow through the body in predictable patterns, similar to river currents or magnetic polarities (though various techniques are not necessarily in complete agreement about the direction of these flows). This energy is carried through our bodies along definable pathways (aka meridians) that can be most easily contacted at certain identifiable points along the body (aka acupuncture points). There are certain centers on our body, which appear to act as gateways for the interaction between our energy and environmental influences (aka chakras, emotion centers). Sources of energy: The general belief is that there is an unlimited supply of universal energy that all humans have access to. Human beings are open energy systems as long as our energy pathways are clear and balanced. A normal healthy body has a continuous flow of balanced energy. Our energy field is the animating force that gives and sustains life. Blockages and imbalances in the energy field can manifest as mental, physical, or emotional disease. Physical injuries can cause damage to the energy field that may remain even after the physical injury has healed. This may account for some cases of chronic pain. Historically, energy medicine can affect significant results with releasing the long-term energy blockages caused by the physical injury. Emotional traumas can also have long-term impact. If we continue to hold the emotional trauma in our energy field, the blockage may eventually manifest as physical illness. This is why energy work on physical dis-ease often leads to release of long-held emotional issues. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF BVT? - Strengthening the immune sys-tem in particular; and overall revitalizing and energizing the organs, nerves, and all the many other systems, etc. - Lymphatic improvements - Electrolyte improvements - Nutrients absorption & assimilation improvements - Cellular permeability, hydration, ionic flow and functioning improvements - Impact on the overall energy like needing less sleep, being more rested, doing more and being more focused, needing less food, etc. - Improved memory - Improved oxygen levels - Reduction of pathogen population to non-threatening levels - Stimulate, move and cleanse clogged and sluggish lymphatic fluids, circulating the vital fluids (blood, lymph, etc.) and eliminat-ing acid and toxic wastes - Repolarizing cells and molecules, dis-solve lumps, clots and deposits MIGHT A PAIN SUFFERER BE EXPOSED TO SIDE EFFECTS FROM BVT TECHNOLOGY? Yes. If one were to overuse this technology one might experience an increase in the symptoms of a disease, commonly referred to as a Herxheimer reaction or healing crisis. The reaction has been attributed to liberation of endotoxin-like substances or antigens (a substance which causes an immune reaction) from killed or dying microorganisms. Herxheimer reactions are always temporary and tend to last no more than three or four days. Example: with a tooth infection, millions upon millions of bacteria inhabit the tooth and surrounding area. If exposed to the biophotonic field long enough for all the bacteria to rupture at once, you would feel discomfort. With severe infections, the initial detox can be pronounced. Once microorganisms are dead, the body begins forcing them out through skin, bowels, and the urinary tract; large bowel movements, dark greasy urine, rashes and diarrhea are common. Rashes disappear naturally within 72 hours; using medication forces the poison back in to the body. Some experience what feels like a head cold for a day or two æ unlike a real cold though, you normally have plenty of energy. Depending upon the health issues an individual is suffering from, one may feel tingling, itchiness, dizziness, uncomfortable twinges, and or physical pain (rare), which is the result of the body adapting to the changes. Due to dramatically increased physical and mental energy levels, some people have difficulty sleeping following their first few sessions. On the other hand, those with sleeping disorders generally begin experiencing deep uninterrupted sleep after their first sessions. Women with bladder infections, PID or chronic yeast infections may notice vaginal discharge. Individuals with parasites may see a dead worm in the toilet. The good news however, is the first healing crisis reaction is usually always the worst, and rarely is there a second significant detox experience. To prevent a healing crises from occurring, initial exposure time is usually limited to two, two-minute sessions per day for the first couple of days. Its important to keep in mind that even drugs and supplements considered safe enough to be sold over-the-counter without a prescription can risk serious side effects. With drugs and supplements where prescriptions are required to protect against misuse, an even larger risk of side effects exists. Drug and supplement side effects might be as simple as a headache or upset stomach, but all too often we see those that increase blood pressure, cause kidney or liver problems, cause an increased risk of heart problems, and in many cases death. WHY DONT THESE FREQUENCIES HARM HEALTHY CELLS? The electronic functions and wave structures of diseased cells differ from those of normal cells. CAN ANYONE USE THE DEVICE? Generally yes, however, people with pacemakers cannot use the DEVICE. Electromagnetic Biophotonic Field can damage Pacemakers. DO YOU HAVE TO BE HOOKED UP TO WIRES OR PROBES? No. The DEVICE is non-contact and non-invasive. You simply sit or stand within the generated Biophotonic energy field, which penetrates the entire body from head to toe. The DEVICE projects a circular field approximately six feet in diameter. HOW OFTEN SHOULD SOMEONE USE THE DEVICE? The Biophotonic energy field is very powerful, and like any good thing, should be used in moderation. Data derived from extensive human trials shows that using the BVT for as little as one to three minutes every day, twice per day, is sufficient to reverse chronic low energy conditions or maintain the body's cell voltage at its optimum once healthy. IF THIS TECHNOLOGY IS SO EFFECTIVE, THEN WHY HAVENT I HEARD OF IT BEFORE? To fully understand this phenomenon, please read the following books by medical reporter and author, Barry Lynes: - THE CANCER CURE THAT WORKED! 50 YEARS OF SUPPRESSION - THE HEALING OF CANCER - THE CANCER CONSPIRACY The American Medical Association's Suppression of Royal Rife's Stunning Cures for Cancer and Other Diseases. Mr. Lynes is a medical reporter who engaged in years of direct dialogue with the FDA. This convinced him that government agencies were protecting status quo medicine and conventional science at the expense of the American people's health and the public interest. While living in Washington, D.C., Mr. Lynes communicated with the people at the office of Technology Assessment who were in charge of the U.S. Congress's 3-year study and report on Alternative Cancer Therapies. To his horror, he discovered that the bureaucrats were involved in a typical Washington "whitewash". Selected Book Reviews "The book can electrify you. The modesty and scientific dedication of Roy Rife come through as clearly as the brutal crushing of his work by the medical authorities." Bookviews, Dimensions magazine, Toronto "In his typically straightforward style, Barry Lynes brings us up-to-date on the political front." Lifeline magazine of the International Association of Cancer Victors & Friends "A masterpiece...The cause of cancer was known back in the 1930s as well as the cure, and this gift to humanity has been suppressed by the medical-pharmaceutical cartel for all these years. Let us help facilitate a rejuvenation of Rife's great work." Roy Kupsinel, M.D., editor of Health Consciousness Journal "Lynes' book isn't something you buy: It's an heirloom you read and pass on to your children." Books on Beating Cancer "I think this book is superb and far superior to anything we scientists could write. The author knows how to reach everybody. I can encourage all to do what they can to support this research." Florence B. Seibert, Ph.D., Member Women's Hall of Fame, Seneca, NY. Discovered and developed the TB skin test. "A long silence was broken... with Barry Lynes' extensive documentation of Rife's life and inventions in the wonderful book... Medical clinics and less formal research centers are being set up all over the world: in Mexico, Canada, New Zealand, Africa, Germany and others parts of Europe...The application of Rife and other kinds of frequency technology is bound to change the way medicine is practiced." Nina Silver, Ph.D. ARE OTHER TREATMENTS COMPATIBLE WITH THE USE OF THIS TECHNOLOGY? Yes. Chemo and radio-therapies, however, may slow down the bodys ability to heal. That said, we have observed a reduction in the negative side effects of the classical therapies using BVT technology. ARE ELECTRODES USED WITH THIS TECHNOLOGY? No. The BVT is a transmitter. It is not an electrode device. You do not need to touch anything to create a circuit. Electrode devices utilize electricity as the medium to deliver the frequencies. Electricity has a tendency to travel along paths of minimum resistance. Consequently, using electrodes, it is very difficult to get the applied electrical frequencies exactly where they need to be. A piece of equipment that uses electrodes or transducers for the application of frequencies is not the device that produced the results Dr. Royal Rife, and Dr. Georges Lakhovsky are famous for. The most effective devices have been transmitter based with no direct contact with the patient being made. WHO CREATED THE ORIGINAL MULTIPLE WAVE OSCILLATORS? It safe to say the original design was developed by Nikola Tesla. When Lakhovsky did his first experiments he was not able to make his equipment work. He contacted Tesla who gave him the design he had developed in 1898. WHY DOES THE BVT LOOK SO DIFFERENT THAN THE ORIGINAL MULTIPLE WAVE OSCILLATORS BUILT BY GEORGES LAKHOVSKY? The BVT is based on the technology of Lakhovsky, Tesla, and Rife. We have gone the extra mile so to speak to build a unit with modern technology to enhance the original work. For example the original MWO used two coils that one would sit in between. It was later discovered that the receiver, or non-electrified coil, was not necessary since the patient was the receiver. Therefore, it was only necessary to provide a transmitter. Lakhovsky also believed that the more harmonics that could be created the better the results and he started using Argon filled copper to enhance the field of energy. We have taken that to the next level by using a full spectrum of gases. Many of these gases were used successfully by Rife in his work. As a result the BVT generates a full spectrum harmonic rich environment. HOW DOES THE BVT DIFFER FROM A RIFE MACHINE? In order to explain how the units differ we must first describe what they have in common. First, both types of equipment are electromagnetic. Both are also transmitters of radio waves and are used in radio biology work. The major difference is that the original Rife machines were designed to send out a single frequency at time. The concept behind this was to target a specific part of the body or a specific pathogen. On the other hand, the BVT is designed to broadcast a full spectrum of frequencies with as many harmonics as possible. This is done to raise the vibratory rate of the entire cellular structure of the body and thus allow the body to basically rejuvenate itself. Do you check these frequencies prior to shipment of the unit on an oscilloscope, etc.? As even slight modifications on a Tesla coil can tremendously vary frequency output, what frequencies predominate from your units? Yes. All of our equipment is thoroughly tested before shipment. 30 or 70 years ago, I could see the value in types of radio frequency/electromagnetic frequency (RF/EMF) stimulation, but now, when all of us who live in urban or semi-urban areas are constantly exposed to random EMFs with RFs across the board, I see the potential for more harm than good. I'm sure you have seen the research from Sweden and elsewhere, which link EMF exposure to childhood leukemia and certain kinds of adult cancers. I don't see the EMF pollution problem getting any better, but worse. How does BVT use avoid the cumulative effects of EMF pollution? The problem with EMF pollution is that it is single frequency stimulation. If you get enough energy at a biologically active frequency, it triggers changes that otherwise would not occur. If you live near a radio transmitter, cumulative effects should be expected. The EMF linked with leukemia is specifically 50 and 60 Hz primarily in the magnetic field, and even those close frequencies cannot be considered the same. It is known that even moderate i.e., 0.5 gauss magnetic fields, in the range of 20-150 Hz stimulate the migration of ions through various membranes in our bodies. This has been patented at 73 Hz to stimulate calcium deposition for healing bone fractures. Calcium is very specific to that one frequency, and you have to compensate for the DC magnetic field of the earth to make it work. Other ions are sensitive at other frequencies. It would be incorrect to assume all electromagnetic exposure is detrimental under all conditions. It would be correct to assume that all EMF exposure could potentially cause changes, good or bad, until proven otherwise. It has been proven by Becker and Marino that DC currents as small as 5 nanoamps could trigger major healing effects and the regrowth of severed limbs. It can also reverse cancer growth and result in tissue regeneration. In the 1930s, Dr. Royal Rife cured 16 out of 16 terminal cancer patients by exposing them to strong EMFs at very carefully selected frequencies over a period of 90 days for three minutes every three days. The energy was intended to resonate and destroy disease producing pathogens. Mandatory disclaimer: The information here is for educational purposes only. We make no claims to treat, cure, heal or diagnose any disease. If you have a major health issue, we recommend that you see a qualified health care provider if you feel you need help deciding whether you should have a Bio-energizer or PAP-IMI session. If you are currently taking prescription medication, there is a good chance that your medication dosage will need some modifications after you have received regular sessions. In this case, we recommend that you see your health care provider. To get more information on having a session or purchasing a unit, please contact Dr. Charles Wray at (805) 646-5503 or at ojaichiro@ojai.net. |